In memoriam Jan Van Breedam
Little bowls of porcelain with a lifeline reflect the fragility of life, as softly landed butterflies on the water surface
On November 28 2010, my father and architect Jan Van Breedam passed away at the age of 66. He lost his battle against cancer. When no cure was left, he organised a festive, but serene farewell reception for his loved ones on October 17 2010 at the Grand Café of deSingel in Antwerp. I made more than two hundred bowls of porcelain, which he signed with his name and lifeline and offered to the invitees. I also created an installation for these numerous bowls. With this installation I went to Park Spoor Noord in Antwerp with my husband Tony Torfs and brothers Ward and Sam, provided with photo cameras. As a family we selected the most beautiful impressions out of numerous photographs of the floating bowls on the shallow pond of the park. Therewith we created a birthday calendar. This calendar also symbolizes life, which flits interminable, despite its beginning and its end. The revenue of these sold calendars is completely donated to vzw Vlaamse Liga tegen Kanker (Flemish foundation against cancer).